One big family


Ecofrost 是匹卢维兹的一家新生企业,主要从事冷冻马铃薯产品,尤其是冷冻薯条业务。

Ecofrost 提供具有价格竞争优势的优质产品,满足最终客户的各种需求。为此,Ecofrost 承诺获得经济效益,以便保证未来的后续投资。

Ecofrost 最初由Vervaeke氏和Hoflack氏两个家族创立。

Pol 和 Dries Vervaeke 在鲜马铃薯交易中积累了三代人的经验,精通原材料方面的知识。他们也因此知道如何挑选正确的原材料,为承包的农户提供恰当支持。

Luc 和 Marc Hoflack 则在冷冻蔬菜方面拥有 25 年的经验。

公司成立于 2003 年,产品现销往全球 110 多个国家。我们的研发部门始终竭力满足国际客户的需求。

Already several times Ecofrost was named the fastest growing company by the Belgian business magazine Trends; For this they received in 2010 - 2011 and 2013 The famous trophy Trends Gazelles Award.






Ecofrost 同时关注食品服务行业的客户,如餐厅、外卖店、酒店、学校、快餐店、医院……



Quick Service

We offer fries that stay crusty and warm for longer periods, ensuring they're ready to serve when the customer arrives.




From potatoes to croquettes

We reuse our top leftovers namely the small French fries and potato slivers / sides to make mashed potatoes, which are the basic product of our specialty line to produce croquettes, noisettes, and other specialties.



客户满意度是我们的终极目标,而品质恰是实现这一目标的关键。因此,我们始终执行最为严格的卫生标准。此外,我们采用的扩展式 HACCP 体系全面运行,并被授予英国零售商协会/国际食品标准证书。

↓ Click on the logo to download the recent certificate ↓


打包后,产品会被存放在仓库的托盘上。我们的仓库中共有 60000 个托盘,库存空间充足。如果托盘达到适合的温度,就可以发给客户。


Ecofrost 的产品目前出口 150 多个国家,涵盖四大洲。


Ecofrost 采用高科技净水系统。


In project: -5% of electricity, will be green energy produced and consumed locally


50 000 tons of on-site treated potato waste


800 trucks of 40 tons less on the roads - 130 000 tons less CO² emissions

Green Heat

12.5% green heat


Recovery of 40% of all water requirements


2 000 tons of soil fertilization per year

Delivery by train

Delivery by boat

Lean & Green

Since the creation of the company in 2003, the rational use of energy has always been at the center of our concerns, at every phase of the design of our various production lines.

In 2014, in order to improve our performance in terms of energy consumption, the company entered into the branch agreement program concluded between the Walloon region and the federation of the food industry FEVIA.
Since this reference year, CO2 emissions on the process part have decreased by 13%.

The main reduction measures were:
  • Heat recovery from the production process
  • Reduction of water consumption
  • Heat insulation
  • Control of purges on boilers, bleachers and cooling towers
  • Installation of photovoltaic panels
The "Lean and Green" program is an opportunity for Ecofrost to continue and challenge its efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in areas not yet explored such as supply, shipping and storage.
In summary, our so-called transport actions will allow us to reduce our emissions by 18.99% and those classified in logistics by 9.03% for a planned total of 28.02%.

This gain is well above the 20% threshold assigned to the Lean & Green objective.
Reduced to the reference unit, in Tons, our objective would be to go from 60.48 Kg CO2 / T to 43.53 Kg CO2 / T

In relation to the impact on the logistics chain, our actions generate a relative gain of:
  • 8.29% on incoming products
  • 9.23% on finished products
  • 10.5% on products invoiced or shipped in this case
This distribution shows a balanced effort between the three main stages of the logistics process retained in the Lean & Green program.
In the food sector, we are one of the first producers to obtain the certificate and of course, are very proud of it. A word of thanks to the colleagues from Logistics in Wallonia who guided us very well in this!